Modeling Combinational Components
Modeling Combinational Components

Explore the fundamentals of modeling combinational components in VHDL with this article. Learn how to implement essential components such as logic gates, multiplexers, and decoders through practical examples and exercises. Enhance your understanding of VHDL by diving into these foundational concepts crucial for digital design. Ideal for both beginners seeking hands-on experience and experienced designers looking to reinforce their skills.

Published on: July 02, 2024

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Sequential and Concurrent Statements
Sequential and Concurrent Statements

This article explores the essential concepts of sequential and concurrent statements in VHDL, a hardware description language used for modeling digital systems. It covers key sequential constructs such as processes, `if`, `case`, and `loop` statements, highlighting their use in sequential execution. Additionally, it explains concurrent statements like signal assignments, component instantiations, and generate statements, which model the parallel nature of hardware. The article also delineates the differences between sequential and concurrent execution, providing a comprehensive understanding crucial for efficient and accurate digital design in VHDL.

Published on: July 02, 2024

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Fundamental Concepts
Fundamental Concepts

This article provides an overview of data types in VHDL, a hardware description language used for modeling digital systems. It covers scalar types such as `std_logic`, `bit`, `integer`, `character`, `boolean`, and `real`, explaining their usage and significance. Additionally, the article delves into composite types like arrays and records, highlighting their applications in handling complex data structures. The piece also touches on user-defined data types, including enumerated and physical types, showcasing VHDL's flexibility in modeling custom data. Understanding these data types is essential for efficient and accurate digital design in VHDL.

Published on: July 02, 2024

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Introduction and Basics of VHDL
Introduction and Basics of VHDL

In this article, I explain the main points we need to take into consideration to design and create hardware using VHDL code on my FPGA Cyclone board. I'll use this article to set up the project and run it on my board, and I'll use ModelSim to simulate the project as well.

Published on: July 01, 2024

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