Table of Contents


    Data Types in VHDL

    VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems. It allows the description of digital and mixed-signal systems at multiple levels of abstraction, such as the behavioral, register-transfer, and structural levels. A critical aspect of VHDL is its robust and diverse set of data types, which can be broadly categorized into scalar types and composite types. This article will provide an overview of these data types, focusing on scalar types like std_logic, bit, and integer, as well as composite types like arrays and records.

    Scalar Types in VHDL

    Scalar types in VHDL represent single, indivisible values. These types include predefined data types such as bit, std_logic, and integer.

    1. std_logic

    The std_logic type is part of the IEEE library and is one of the most widely used scalar types in VHDL for digital design. It can represent nine different logic states, making it suitable for modeling a wide range of digital signals.

    • 'U' - Uninitialized
    • 'X' - Forcing Unknown
    • '0' - Forcing 0
    • '1' - Forcing 1
    • 'Z' - High Impedance
    • 'W' - Weak Unknown
    • 'L' - Weak 0
    • 'H' - Weak 1
    • '-' - Don't Care


    signal my_signal : std_logic;
    2. Bit

    The bit type is a predefined type in VHDL and can take on only two values: '0' or '1'. It is a simpler type compared to std_logic and is used when only binary values are needed.


    signal my_bit : bit;
    3. Integer

    The integer type is used to represent whole numbers within a specific range. The range is implementation-dependent but typically includes a broad set of integers.


    signal counter : integer := 0;
    4. Character

    The character type represents a single character and is often used in text processing within VHDL. It encompasses a wide range of ASCII characters.


    signal my_char : character := 'A';
    5. Boolean

    The boolean type can take on two values: true and false. It is primarily used for logical operations and control flow in VHDL designs.


    signal my_bool : boolean := false;
    6. Real

    The real type is used for representing floating-point numbers. However, it is not commonly used in hardware design due to the complexity and resource requirements of floating-point arithmetic in hardware.


    signal my_real : real := 3.14;

    Composite Types in VHDL

    Composite types in VHDL consist of multiple elements grouped together. The two primary composite types are arrays and records.

    1. Arrays

    Arrays are collections of elements of the same type. VHDL supports both one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.

    • One-Dimensional Array: This is a simple list of elements.


    type word_array is array (0 to 7) of std_logic;
    signal my_word : word_array;
    • Two-Dimensional Array: This consists of rows and columns of elements.


    type matrix is array (0 to 3, 0 to 3) of std_logic;
    signal my_matrix : matrix;

    Arrays can also be defined with unconstrained bounds, allowing for flexible sizing.


    type flexible_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;
    signal dynamic_array : flexible_array(0 to 15);
    2. Records

    Records are composite types that group together elements of potentially different types under a single name. They are similar to structures in other programming languages.


    type student_record is record
        id       : integer;
        name     : string(1 to 20);
        grade    : std_logic;
    end record;
    signal student : student_record;

    Records allow for the encapsulation of related data, providing a clear and organized way to handle complex data structures.

    User-Defined Data Types

    VHDL allows the creation of user-defined data types, which can be scalars, arrays, or records, providing great flexibility in modeling custom data structures.

    1. Enumerated Types

    Enumerated types allow the definition of a type with a set of named values, making the code more readable and self-documenting.


    type traffic_light is (red, yellow, green);
    signal light : traffic_light := red;
    2. Physical Types

    Physical types in VHDL allow the representation of quantities with units, such as time or voltage. This can be particularly useful in simulation and verification.


    type voltage is range 0 to 5 units
    signal supply_voltage : voltage := 3 volt;


    In VHDL, data types are fundamental to defining the behavior and structure of digital systems. Scalar types provide the basic building blocks for simple values, while composite types like arrays and records enable the creation of complex data structures. Additionally, user-defined data types, such as enumerated and physical types, offer powerful tools for creating more readable and maintainable code. Understanding and effectively using these data types is crucial for successful VHDL design and implementation.

    📝 Article Author : SEMRADE Tarik
    🏷️ Author position : Embedded Software Engineer
    🔗 Author LinkedIn : LinkedIn profile
