Table of Contents


    Inter-Process Communication in Linux

    Interprocess communication (IPC) in Linux using the C language involves several methods, such as pipes, message queues, shared memory, and semaphores. Each of these methods facilitates different use cases and complexities. In this tutorial, I'll give you a basic introduction to each method, highlighting how you can use them in C in you embedded linux system.


    Pipes are one of the simplest forms of IPC, allowing one-way communication between processes. A pipe can be used by a parent process to communicate with its child process.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int main() {
        int pipefds[2];
        char buffer[30];
        // Create a pipe
        if (pipe(pipefds) == -1) {
        // Fork a new process
        pid_t pid = fork();
        // Check if fork was successful
        if (pid == -1) {
        printf("Current process ID: %d\n", getpid());
        if (pid == 0) {
            // Child process
            // Ensure there's no garbage data
            memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
            read(pipefds[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            printf("Child Process (PID: %d): Received string: %s\n", getpid(), buffer);
        } else {
            // Parent process
            const char* msg = "Hello from your parent!";
            size_t retValue = write(pipefds[1], msg, strlen(msg) + 1); // +1 for NULL terminator
            printf("Parent Process (PID: %d): Sent string: '%s', with %zu bytes\n", getpid(), msg, retValue);
        return 0;


    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "Main Process" as main
    participant "pipe()" as pipe
    participant "fork()" as fork
    participant "Child Process" as child
    participant "read()" as read
    participant "Parent Process" as parent
    participant "write()" as write
    main -> pipe : Create a pipe
    alt pipe success
        main -> fork : Fork a new process
        alt pid == -1
            fork -> main : fork failed
            main -> main : perror("fork")\nexit(EXIT_FAILURE)
        else pid == 0
            == Child Process ==
            fork -> child : In child process
            child -> read : read(pipefds[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer))
            read -> child : Buffer filled
            child -> child : printf("Child Process (PID: %d): Received string: %s\n", getpid(), buffer)
            child -> child : exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)
            == Parent Process ==
            fork -> parent : In parent process
            parent -> write : write(pipefds[1], msg, strlen(msg) + 1)
            write -> parent : Message sent
            parent -> parent : printf("Parent Process (PID: %d): Sent string: '%s', with %zu bytes\n", getpid(), msg, retValue)
        pipe -> main : pipe failed
        main -> main : perror("pipe")\nexit(EXIT_FAILURE)

    The key aspect to understand is that, due to the lack of explicit synchronization between the parent and the child processes, the order in which they execute is not predetermined. The operating system's scheduler does not prioritize either the parent or the child process, leading to an indeterminate execution sequence. This unpredictability might raise concerns about how the child process appears to read from the pipe before the parent has written to it. However, this scenario is managed by the blocking nature of pipes, which ensures that if the child attempts to read before the parent writes, it will simply block and wait for the parent to write data, thereby maintaining the correct sequence of operations.

    Here are key points to clarify this behavior:

    Blocking Behavior of Pipes

    • Pipes have a blocking behavior by default. If a process tries to read from an empty pipe (no data written yet), the read operation will block the process until there is data to read.

    • Similarly, if the write end of the pipe is full (the buffer), and a process tries to write to it, the process will be blocked until there is space in the pipe to write more data.

    Scheduling and Execution Order

    • After a call to fork(), both the parent and the child processes are runnable, and the operating system's scheduler decides which process runs first. This decision can lead to non-deterministic behavior in terms of execution order unless explicitly synchronized.

    • In many cases, the parent process might run first and write to the pipe, allowing the child process to read immediately once it gets scheduled. However, it's also possible for the child process to execute first, in which case it would block on the read operation until the parent writes to the pipe.

    In this Specific Scenario:

    • In the given code, there is no explicit synchronization mechanism (like using wait(), waitpid(), signaling, or similar) to control the order of execution between the parent and child processes concerning the pipe operations. This means the child process might attempt to read from the pipe before the parent has written to it.
    • Because of the pipe's blocking nature, if the child attempts to read before the parent writes, it will simply wait (block) until the parent writes data into the pipe. This ensures that even if the child process runs first and tries to read, it won't proceed with the read operation (won't finish the read() call) until the parent process writes the data to the pipe.

    Why pipefds has only two elements!

    In Unix-like operating systems, a pipe is a form of inter-process communication (IPC) that allows data to flow from one process to another in a unidirectional flow. The pipe() system call is used to create a pipe, and it provides two file descriptors:

    • pipefds[0]: This is the read end of the pipe. Data written to the pipe by one process can be read from this end by another process.
    • pipefds[1]: This is the write end of the pipe. Data can be written to this end of the pipe by one process and read from the other end (pipefds[0]) by another process.

    The array pipefds has only two elements because that's all that's needed to represent a single pipe: one end for reading and the other end for writing. The operating system handles the connection between these two ends internally, ensuring that data flows from the write end to the read end. This simple arrangement allows for straightforward, unidirectional communication between processes.

    When you use pipe(pipefds), the operating system assigns file descriptors to pipefds[0] and pipefds[1] for the read and write ends of the pipe, respectively. These file descriptors can then be used with standard Unix file operation system calls (read(), write(), close(), etc.) to perform IPC. The unidirectional nature of pipes is often complemented by creating two pipes if bidirectional communication is necessary, one for each direction of data flow.

    The behavior in this inter-process communication (IPC) exemple with implicit synchronization due to the blocking nature of pipe operations ensures data coherence and, sequentiality where necessary, even if the execution order of the parent and child processes might seem counterintuitive initially.

    Message Queues

    Message queues in Linux are a part of the POSIX message queues API, which allows processes to communicate asynchronously by sending and receiving messages. A message queue is identified by a name and can be used by multiple processes. Each message in the queue is stored with an associated priority, which can affect the order in which messages are received.

    Below is a simple C program example that demonstrates the creation of a message queue, sending a message to the queue, and then receiving that message from the queue. This example consists of two parts:

    1. Sending a message to the queue (msg_send.c) - This part of the program creates a message queue and sends a message to it.
    2. Receiving a message from the queue (msg_receive.c) - This part receives the message sent to the queue and displays it.

    Part 1: Sending a Message (msg_send.c)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>           /* For O_* constants */
    #include <sys/stat.h>        /* For mode constants */
    #include <mqueue.h>
    #define QUEUE_NAME  "/test_queue"
    #define MAX_SIZE    1024
    #define MSG_STOP    "exit"
    int main() {
        mqd_t mq;
        char buffer[MAX_SIZE];
        // Open a message queue
        mq = mq_open(QUEUE_NAME, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644, NULL);
        if (mq == (mqd_t)-1) {
        // Send a message
        printf("Send to queue: ");
        fgets(buffer, MAX_SIZE, stdin);
        if (mq_send(mq, buffer, MAX_SIZE, 0) == -1) {
        // Close the message queue
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "msg_send.c" as sender
    participant "Message Queue" as queue
    sender -> queue : mq_open(QUEUE_NAME, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY)
    note right: Open/Create the message queue for sending
    sender -> sender : fgets(buffer, MAX_SIZE, stdin)
    note right: Read message from user
    sender -> queue : mq_send(mq, buffer, MAX_SIZE, 0)
    note right: Send message to the queue
    sender -> queue : mq_close(mq)
    note right: Close the message queue

    Part 2: Receiving a Message (msg_receive.c)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>           /* For O_* constants */
    #include <sys/stat.h>        /* For mode constants */
    #include <mqueue.h>
    #define QUEUE_NAME  "/test_queue"
    int main() {
        mqd_t mq;
        struct mq_attr attr;
        char *buffer;
        // Open the message queue
        mq = mq_open(QUEUE_NAME, O_RDONLY);
        if (mq == (mqd_t)-1) {
        // Get the attributes of the queue
        if (mq_getattr(mq, &attr) == -1) {
        // Allocate buffer for the largest possible message
        buffer = malloc(attr.mq_msgsize);
        if (buffer == NULL) {
        // Receive a message
        if (mq_receive(mq, buffer, attr.mq_msgsize, NULL) == -1) {
        printf("Received: %s", buffer);
        // Clean up
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "Main Process" as main
    participant "mq_open()" as mq_open
    participant "mq_getattr()" as mq_getattr
    participant "malloc()" as malloc
    participant "mq_receive()" as mq_receive
    participant "printf()" as printf
    participant "free()" as free
    participant "mq_close()" as mq_close
    participant "mq_unlink()" as mq_unlink
    main -> mq_open : Open message queue
    mq_open -> main : mqd_t mq
    main -> mq_getattr : Get attributes of the queue
    mq_getattr -> main : struct mq_attr attr
    main -> malloc : Allocate buffer based on mq_msgsize
    malloc -> main : char* buffer
    main -> mq_receive : Receive message
    mq_receive -> main : Fill buffer with received message
    main -> printf : Print received message
    printf -> main : 
    main -> free : Free allocated buffer
    free -> main : 
    main -> mq_close : Close message queue
    mq_close -> main : 
    main -> mq_unlink : Unlink message queue
    mq_unlink -> main :


    • Message Queue Creation and Opening: A message queue is created/opened using mq_open(). The O_CREAT flag is used to create the queue if it doesn't exist. The name of the queue must start with a /. For sending, O_WRONLY is used, and for receiving, O_RDONLY.
    • Sending a Message: mq_send() sends a message to the queue. The message is placed in the queue according to its priority.
    • Receiving a Message: mq_receive() receives the oldest of the highest priority messages from the queue.
    • Closing and Unlinking: After operations, the message queue is closed using mq_close(). To remove the message queue, mq_unlink() is used. It's typically done by the receiver after ensuring all messages are processed to clean up.

    Compilation and Running

    To compile these programs, use the -lrt flag to link the real-time library:

    gcc msg_send.c -o msg_send -lrt
    gcc msg_receive.c -o msg_receive -lrt

    Run msg_send to send a message, and msg_receive in another terminal to receive the message.


    This example demonstrates basic message queue operations. Error checking is minimal for brevity, but in real applications, thorough error checking is essential.

    Shared Memory

    Shared memory is a powerful IPC (Inter-Process Communication) mechanism that allows two or more processes to share a memory segment. This can be very efficient because data does not need to be copied between processes; they access the shared memory area directly. Here's a simple examples in C that demonstrate using shared memory for IPC in Linux. The example consists of two parts: a writer (which creates and writes to the shared memory) and a reader (which reads from the shared memory).

    Shared Memory: Writer

    This part of the program creates a shared memory segment and writes a message to it.

    // writer.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/shm.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    int main() {
        int segment_id;
        char* shared_memory;
        const int size = 4096; // Size of the shared memory segment
        const char* message = "Hello, World! in memory using shared memory bloc of 4096";
        // Allocate a shared memory segment
        segment_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, size, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
        if (segment_id == -1) {
        // Attach the shared memory segment
        shared_memory = (char*)shmat(segment_id, NULL, 0);
        if (shared_memory == (char*)-1) {
        // Write a message to the shared memory segment
        sprintf(shared_memory, "%s", message);
        printf("Shared memory segment %d created and written.\n", segment_id);
        // Print the segment ID (to be used by the reader)
        printf("Segment ID: %d\n", segment_id);
        // Detach the shared memory segment
        if (shmdt(shared_memory) == -1) {
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "Main Process (Writer)" as main
    participant "shmget()" as shmget
    participant "shmat()" as shmat
    participant "sprintf()" as sprintf
    participant "printf()" as printf
    participant "shmdt()" as shmdt
    main -> shmget : Allocate shared memory segment
    shmget -> main : Returns segment_id
    main -> shmat : Attach segment to process
    shmat -> main : Returns pointer to shared_memory
    main -> sprintf : Write message to shared_memory
    main -> printf : Print segment_id
    main -> shmdt : Detach the shared memory segment
    shmdt -> main : 

    Shared Memory: Reader

    This part reads the message from the shared memory segment created by the writer.

    // reader.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/shm.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        int segment_id;
        char* shared_memory;
        const int size = 4096; // Size of the shared memory segment
        if (argc != 2) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <segment_id>\n", argv[0]);
        segment_id = atoi(argv[1]);
        // Attach the shared memory segment
        shared_memory = (char*)shmat(segment_id, NULL, 0);
        if (shared_memory == (char*)-1) {
        // Read from the shared memory segment
        printf("Reading from shared memory segment %d: \"%s\"\n", segment_id, shared_memory);
        // Detach the shared memory segment
        if (shmdt(shared_memory) == -1) {
        // Optionally, remove the shared memory segment
        // shmctl(segment_id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "Main Process (Reader)" as main
    participant "shmat()" as shmat
    participant "printf()" as printf
    participant "shmdt()" as shmdt
    main -> shmat : Attach shared memory segment by segment_id
    shmat -> main : Returns pointer to shared_memory
    main -> printf : Read and print message from shared_memory
    main -> shmdt : Detach the shared memory segment
    shmdt -> main : 

    How It Works

    • The writer program creates a shared memory segment and writes a message to it. It prints the ID of the shared memory segment, which you need to note.
    • The reader program needs the shared memory segment ID as an argument to attach to and read from the shared memory.


    Compile both programs:

    gcc memwrite.c -o writer
    gcc memeread.c -o reader


    First, run the writer to create the shared memory segment and write to it:


    Note the printed segment ID, then run the reader, passing the segment ID as an argument:

    ./reader <segment_id>

    This should display the message written by the writer. shared_memory


    • shmget creates a new shared memory segment or obtains access to an existing one.
    • shmat attaches the shared memory segment identified by the segment ID to the address space of the calling process.
    • shmdt detaches the shared memory segment.
    • shmctl can perform various operations on the shared memory segment, such as removing it with IPC_RMID.

    Shared memory is a low-level, efficient form of IPC but requires careful synchronization between processes to avoid concurrent access issues. For synchronization, mechanisms like semaphores or POSIX synchronization APIs are commonly used.


    Semaphores are synchronization primitives used to manage concurrent access to resources by multiple processes or threads. In Unix-like systems, POSIX semaphores can be used both for inter-process synchronization and for threads within the same process. Here's a simple example in C with explanation that demonstrates using a POSIX semaphore for synchronizing access between two processes.


    This example will consist of two programs:

    • sem_create.c: This program will create a semaphore and initialize it. It's responsible for setting up synchronization.

    • sem_wait_post.c: This program will wait on the semaphore (decrementing it) before accessing a shared resource and then post to the semaphore (incrementing it) after it's done. For simplicity, we'll simulate access to a shared resource with sleep.

    Step 1: Create and Initialize a Semaphore (sem_create.c)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <semaphore.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>           /* For O_* constants */
    #include <sys/stat.h>        /* For mode constants */
    #define SEM_NAME "/my_semaphore"
    int main() {
        sem_t *sem;
        // Create and initialize the semaphore
        sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644, 1);
        if (sem == SEM_FAILED) {
        printf("Semaphore created and initialized.\n");
        // Close the semaphore
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "sem_create Process" as create
    participant "sem_open()" as sem_open
    participant "printf()" as printf
    participant "sem_close()" as sem_close
    create -> sem_open : Create and initialize semaphore
    sem_open -> create : Semaphore reference
    create -> printf : Print confirmation message
    create -> sem_close : Close the semaphore
    sem_close -> create

    Step 2: Wait and Post to the Semaphore (sem_wait_post.c)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <semaphore.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>          /* For O_* constants */
    #include <unistd.h>         /* For sleep() */
    #define SEM_NAME "/my_semaphore"
    int main() {
        sem_t *sem;
        // Open the semaphore
        sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, 0);
        if (sem == SEM_FAILED) {
        // Wait on the semaphore
        if (sem_wait(sem) < 0) {
        printf("Entered the critical section.\n");
        sleep(3); // Simulate critical section work
        printf("Leaving the critical section.\n");
        // Post to the semaphore
        if (sem_post(sem) < 0) {
        // Close the semaphore
        return 0;

    To better understand the strucutre of our c code, i will now use the plantUML diagram. This diagram illustrates the main componentes of the C code.

    !theme toy
    participant "sem_wait_post Process" as wait_post
    participant "sem_open()" as sem_open
    participant "sem_wait()" as sem_wait
    participant "printf()" as printf
    participant "sleep()" as sleep
    participant "sem_post()" as sem_post
    participant "sem_close()" as sem_close
    wait_post -> sem_open : Open the semaphore
    sem_open -> wait_post : Semaphore reference
    wait_post -> sem_wait : Wait (decrement) semaphore
    sem_wait -> wait_post
    wait_post -> printf : Print "Entered the critical section"
    wait_post -> sleep : Simulate work in critical section
    sleep -> wait_post
    wait_post -> printf : Print "Leaving the critical section"
    wait_post -> sem_post : Post (increment) semaphore
    sem_post -> wait_post
    wait_post -> sem_close : Close the semaphore
    sem_close -> wait_post

    Compilation and Execution

    Compile both programs:

    gcc sem_create.c -o sem_create -lrt
    gcc sem_wait_post.c -o sem_wait_post -lrt

    Run sem_create first to create and initialize the semaphore:


    Then, run sem_wait_post in multiple terminals or multiple times:




    • Semaphore Creation (sem_create.c): This program creates a named semaphore using sem_open with the O_CREAT and O_EXCL flags. The semaphore is initialized to 1, indicating that one resource is available or that one process can enter a critical section.
    • Waiting and Posting (sem_wait_post.c): This program demonstrates waiting for the semaphore (entering the critical section) and posting to the semaphore (leaving the critical section). sem_wait decrements the semaphore—if it's zero, the process blocks until the semaphore is greater than zero. sem_post increments the semaphore, potentially unblocking a waiting process.
    • Critical Section: The critical section is simulated with a call to sleep(), representing work that requires synchronized access.

    Cleaning Up

    After you're done with the semaphore, you should remove it to clean up system resources. This can be done by calling sem_unlink(SEM_NAME); in either program after you're sure it's no longer needed by any process.

    This simple example shows how semaphores can be used to synchronize access to shared resources or critical sections between different processes, preventing race conditions and ensuring that only one process accesses the critical section at a time.


    These examples give you a starting point for using IPC mechanisms in Linux with C. Each IPC mechanism has its own use cases and peculiarities, so it's worth exploring them further as per your requirements.

    📝 Article Author : SEMRADE Tarik
    🏷️ Author position : Embedded Software Engineer
    🔗 Author LinkedIn : LinkedIn profile
